QCWA Journal – Feb 2021
The new issue of the QCWA Journal for February 2021 is out. The issue includes an article about the Davco DR-30 HF receiver, more about the upcoming 2021 QSO Party,…
The new issue of the QCWA Journal for February 2021 is out. The issue includes an article about the Davco DR-30 HF receiver, more about the upcoming 2021 QSO Party,…
Tellico Lake Amateur Radio Club(TLARC) For the inaugural featured Club of the Month, I’d like to highlight the Tellico Lake Amateur Radio Club (TLARC.) I recently had the pleasure of…
Winter Field Day Association Winter Field Day Association (WFDA) is a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators who believe that emergency communications in a winter environment is just as important…
The QCWA Board are pleased to announce new QCWA Webmaster Tony Perales,AI1U. Perales was first licensed in 1995 as KB2VJW, and is QCWA LifeMember # 38257. Current Webmaster Bob Roske, NØUF has been serving QCWA as a volunteerWebmaster…
The Orlando Amateur Radio Club has cancelled Hamvention 2021; at least as we know it. Originally scheduled for February 13th-14th, instead, they will be having a virtual “Special Edition” hamfest.…
ARRL reports that Dayton Hamvention has been canceled for the second year in a row. Citing concerns from COVID-19 and the nature of Hamvention with it’s international participation, DARA has…