Author: Jeff Buffington N4POD

Amateur Radio Operator since the age of 16. Joined QCWA in 2015. Seeking to reactivate East Tennessee Chapter 60 of the QCWA. Member of the ARRL. Former member of the Orlando Amateur Radio Club.

2021 Tennessee QSO Party

Tennessee QSO Party starts at 1800 UTC Sunday, September 5th and runs until 0300 UTC, Monday September 6th. All bands except 60m, 30m, 17m and 12m, are allowed. Operating modes…

Huntsville Hamfest

Huntsville is ON!

Breaking News! Huntsville Hamfest 2021 is ON for 2021!Mark Brown, N4BCD, Chairman of the Huntsville Hamfest, has now spoken out on several amateur radio streams with the news that the…